スレッドURL: http://hayabusa9.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1570281877/
1: エネモ(兵庫県) [ニダ] 2019/10/05(土) 22:24:37.26 ID:UCmC/zUH0 BE:292723191-PLT(19081)
US wrestler Hulk Hogan has been compared to the ship due to his red and white outfits
A NEW research ship which was almost dubbed Boaty McBoatface bears a striking resemblance to legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan.
The 10,400-tonne polar research ship, which was eventually named the RRS Sir David Attenborough, was pictured on its cradle making it look like the American hero.
US wrestler Hulk Hogan has been compared to the ship due to his red and white outfits
A NEW research ship which was almost dubbed Boaty McBoatface bears a striking resemblance to legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan.
The 10,400-tonne polar research ship, which was eventually named the RRS Sir David Attenborough, was pictured on its cradle making it look like the American hero.
2: みのりちゃん(空) [US] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:01.79 ID:fv2gmICG0
3: ミルパパ(静岡県) [US] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:13.48 ID:zR5WhR6b0
4: DD坊や(潮騒の町アイル) [IT] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:15.64 ID:0VWozg5Z0
5: あかりちゃん(京都府) [ヌコ] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:24.45 ID:ur6uDP8M0
6: スイスイ(SB-Android) [VE] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:48.25 ID:CUTfcAHb0
7: りゅうちゃん(大阪府) [GB] 2019/10/05(土) 22:25:52.48 ID:1Qo8FtsQ0
8: ドコモン(愛知県) [US] 2019/10/05(土) 22:26:27.65 ID:Cb1utQId0
11: ハーディア(大阪府) [HK] 2019/10/05(土) 22:27:11.89 ID:9bZM/jPd0
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94: 黄色いゾウ(茸) [GB] 2019/10/05(土) 23:31:43.11 ID:Y+HhhSej0
12: タマちゃん(愛知県) [DK] 2019/10/05(土) 22:27:17.10 ID:75qjMkCX
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